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来源:本站整理  作者:佚名  2010-02-11 00:44:43


DLP技术是TI一种独创的、采用光学半导体产生数字式多光源显示的解决方案。 它是可靠性极高的全数字显示技术,能在各类产品(如大屏幕数字电视、公司/家庭/专业会议投影机和数码相机(DLP Cinema)中提供最佳图像效果。同时,这一解决方案也是被全球众多电子企业所采用的完全成熟的独立技术。自1996年以来,已向超过75家的制造商供货500多万套系统。




TVP700x视频转换器 - The TVP7000 and TVP7001 triple analog-to-digital converters provide complete video digitizing soluton for PC graphICs, HDTV and other high-definition video.

TVP5154数字视频解码器 - The TVP5154, is a four-channel, low-power NTSC/PAL/SECAM video decoder that is designed for multichannel video applications.

TVP5160数字视频解码器 - The TVP5160, a high-quality, high-performance digital video decoder (NTSC/PAL/SECAM) digitizes and decodes all popular baseband analog video formats into digital component video.

TVP5146视频解码器 - The TVP5146, a high quality, high-performance digital video decoder (NTSC/PAL/SECAM) digitizes and decodes all popular baseband analog video formats into digital component video.

TVP5147视频解码器 - The TVP5147, a high-quality, high-performance digital video decoder (NTSC/PAL/SECAM) digitizes and decodes all popular baseband analog video formats into digital component video. Is PIN and SOFtware compatible with TVP5146. TVP5150 Video Decoder - The TVP5150 single-Chip video decoder offers the industry's lowest power, smallest size and lowest cost--all vital characteristics for enabling cost-effective portable applications.

THS8135视频解码器 - The new THS8135 from Texas Instruments (TI) operates from 3.3-V analog and 1.8-V digital power supply levels and has three 10-bit D/A converters. With extra circuitry for bi-level/tri-level sync and blanking level generation, the THS8135 CAN insert a sync-ongreen/ luminance channel or on all channels for video applications.

THS8200针对视频后端应用的数模转换器 - New from Texas Instruments (TI), the THS8200 is an analog video backend that meets the requirements of both PC (VESA) and HDTV (ATSC) formats. The device is a complete solution for any system requiring conversion of digital component video signals into the analog domain.



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