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来源:本站整理  作者:佚名  2011-04-09 08:59:57

  This Design Idea offers a practICal approach to reducing high-voltage-induced noise. The floating input of a sCANning eleCTRon microscope has high impedance, and it acts as an antenna, picking up noise signals. The microscope’s actuators need a high-voltage signal to drive their piezoelectric slip-stick stack motors. The motion mechanism requires a ramPINg waveform spanning to 800V p-p. The mechanism requires multiple channels because there are three degrees of tip motion. Some microscopes incorporate optical-path-adjustment microsliders for atomic-force microscopy; those scopes need even more channel

  Traditionally, each channel needs a high-voltage amplifier. So, two degrees of tip motion need two high-voltage amplifiers, three degrees need three amplifiers, and so on. High-voltage amplifiers are expensive and need considerable sPACe on the PCB (printed-circuit board), however. Therefore, controlling multiple degrees of tip motion using only one high-voltage amplifier that switches among multiple channels saves cost and space. The pins of high-voltage connectors have enough space between them to avoid disturbing adjacent signals. But high-voltage connectors are expensive and too large to eaSILy arrange. So, the best choice is to use a commercial RS‑232-standard, nine-pin/25-pin connector (Figure 1). The pins of most commercial RS‑232 connectors are close enough together to easily pick up induced high-voltage signals. You can solve this problem by connecting a low impedance to the floating pins of the RS‑232 connector.

  In this circuit, three piezoelectric motors, PZ1, PZ2, and PZ3, connect to the T1, T5, and T9 pins of the RS‑232‑9T connector. The circuit has three relays that switch the high-voltage input to the piezoelectric motors. The normally open node of the relays connects to the high-voltage-amplifier output. The normally closed nodes of the relays connect to three 1‑kΩ resistors to bypass high-voltage-induced noise to ground.

  英文原文地址: http://www.edn.com/article/CA6475010.html

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