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来源:本站整理  作者:佚名  2011-05-22 10:01:13


# include <stdio.h>
# include <reg52.h>
# define uchar unsigned char
# define uint unsigned int
 sbit SO=P1^1;/*25045输出*/
 sbit SI=P1^2;/*25045输入*/
 sbit SCK=P1^3;/*25045时钟*/
 sbit CS=P1^4;/*25045片选*/
 uchar code WREN_INST=0X06;
 /* Write enable latch instruction (WREN)*/
 uchar code WRDI_INST=0X04;
 /* Write disable latch instruction (WRDI)*/
 uchar code WRSR_INST=0X01;
 /* Write status register instruction (WRSR)*/
 uchar code RDSR_INST=0X05;
 /* Read status register instruction (RDSR)*/
 uchar code WRITE_INST=0X02;
 /* Write memory instruction (WRITE)*/
 uchar code READ_INST=0X03;
 /* Read memory instruction (READ)*/
 uint code BYTE_ADDR=0X55;
 /* Memory address for byte mode operations*/
 uchar code BYTE_DATA=0X11;
 /*Data byte for byte write operation*/
 uint  code PAGE_ADDR=0X1F;
 /* Memory address for page mode operations*/
 uchar code PAGE_DATA1=0X22;
 /* 1st data byte for page write operation*/
 uchar code PAGE_DATA2=0X33;
 /* 2nd data byte for page write operation*/
 uchar code PAGE_DATA3=0X44;
 /* 3rd data byte for page write operation*/
 uchar code STATUS_REG=0X20;
 /* Status register,设置DOG时间设置为200毫秒,无写保护*/
 uchar code  MAX_POLL=0x99;
 /* Maximum number of polls*/
 uchar code INIT_STATE=0x09;
 /* Initialization value for control ports*/
 uint code SLIC=0x30;
 /* Address location of SLIC*/
 void wren_cmd(void);/*写使能子程序*/
 void wrdi_cmd(void);/*写使能复位*/
 void wrsr_cmd(void);/*复位时间位和数据保护位写入状态寄存器*/
 uchar rdsr_cmd(void);/*读状态寄存器*/
 void byte_write(uchar aa,uint dd);/*字节写入,aa为写入的数据,dd为写入的地址*/
 uchar byte_read(uint dd);/*字节读出,dd为读出的地址,返回读出的数据*/
 void page_write(uchar aa1,uchar aa2,uchar aa3,uchar aa4,uint dd);/*页写入*/
 void sequ_read(void);/*连续读出*/
 void rst_wdog(void);/*DOG复位*/
 void outbyt(uchar aa);/*输出一个字节到25045中,不包括先导字等*/
 uchar inputbyt();/*由25045输入一个字节,不包括先导字等额外的东西*/
 void wip_poll(void);/*检查写入过程是否结束*/
;* Name: WREN_CMD
;* Description: Set write enable latch
;* Function: This routine sends the command to enable writes to the EEPROM memory array or
;* status register
;* Calls: outbyt
;* Input: None
;* Outputs: None
;* Register Usage: A
void wren_cmd(void)
 uchar aa;
 SCK=0;/* Bring SCK low */
 CS=0;/* Bring /CS low */
 outbyt(aa);/* Send WREN instruction */
 SCK=0;/* Bring SCK low */
 CS=1;/* Bring /CS high */

;* Name: WRDI_CMD
;* Description: Reset write enable latch
;* Function: This routine sends the command to disable writes to the EEPROM memory array or
;* status register
;* Calls: outbyt
;* Input: None
;* Outputs: None
;* Register Usage: A
void wrdi_cmd(void)
 uchar aa;
 SCK=0;/* Bring SCK low */
 CS=0;/* Bring /CS low */
 outbyt(aa);/* Send WRDI instruction */
 SCK=0;/* Bring SCK low */
 CS=1;/* Bring /CS high */

;* Name: WRSR_CMD
;* Description: Write Status Register
;* Function: This routine sends the command to write the WD0, WD1, BP0 and BP0 EEPROM
;* bits in the status register
;* Calls: outbyt, wip_poll
;* Input: None
;* Outputs: None
;* Register Usage: A
void wrsr_cmd(void)
 uchar aa;
 SCK=0;/* Bring SCK low */
 CS=0;/* Bring /CS low */
 outbyt(aa) ;/* Send WRSR instruction */
 outbyt(aa);/* Send status register */
 SCK=0;/* Bring SCK low */
 CS=1;/* Bring /CS high */
 wip_poll();/* Poll for completion of write cycle */

;* Name: RDSR_CMD
;* Description: Read Status Register
;* Function: This routine sends the command to read the status register
;* Calls: outbyt, inputbyt
;* Input: None
;* Outputs: A = status registerXicor Application Note AN21
;* Register Usage: A
uchar rdsr_cmd (void)
 uchar aa;
 return aa;



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