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Nike + iPod: Locating the serial number如何找到序列号
来源:本站整理  作者:佚名  2010-02-24 16:37:23

If after troubleshooting your Nike + iPod Sport Kit you determine that a replacement kit will resolve the issue, you'll need to locate the serial number.

The serial number of the Nike + iPod Sport Kit can be found on the back of the receiver. This is the side of the receiver that includes regulatory and product identification markings and corresponds to the back of the iPod nano when the receiver is connected to the iPod. The serial number is 11 characters in length.

Note: While the sensor may also have a serial number, you need to use the receiver's serial number if you need a replacement kit.

For more information on the Nike + iPod Sport Kit, see the Nike + iPod Sport Kit User’s Guide.



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