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可调稳压电源 0V-30V DC/2A
来源:本站整理  作者:佚名  2010-02-19 15:19:05

   It is a simple circuit regulated power supply, based on the known LM 723, that drive a transistor Q1 [2N3055]. The regulation of voltage, of expense becomes with potentiometer R1 from 0v-30v DC roughly. In order to we achieve 30 V, will should the transformer of supply TR1, it gives all the current that it asks the load, differently the output voltage it will be found in the levels of 26 V roughly. Essential is the use of a good heatsink for transistor Q1, as well as good quality of potentiometer in the place of R1.

Part List

R1=1.2Kohm C1=4700uF/63V IC1=LM723 V1=0-30V DC
R2=680ohm C2=100nF63V MKT Q1=2N3055 TR1=220VAC/ 27V 4A
R3=0.33ohm/5W C3=4.7nF63V MKT B1=Brindge 100V 5A S1=2x10A SW
R4=15Kohm C4=220uF/63V F1=0.5A Fast Fuse
R5=3.9Kohm P1=4K7 LOG. POT. F2=2A Slow Fuse



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